The Winter Team wishes you a Merry Christmas

Good luck and harmony at the end

Every year, Christmas comes around again and the year heralds its final round. Time to look back and look ahead. Time to be grateful and curious. For everything we have experienced together. For everything that makes us grow together.

Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

Galactic Christmas

Dear partners and customers,

At this magical time of year, we celebrate not only the joy of giving and receiving, but also the joy of creating and transforming. Christmas is the time when we remember the power of creativity and inspiration to light up our world.

We are grateful for the opportunity to work with you to bring your visions to life. May this Christmas and the coming year be full of bright ideas and successful campaigns. May your ideas shine as brightly as the stars in the sky and be as memorable as the holiday season itself.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year!

Reviewing the past and looking forward with curiosity to what lies ahead – the end of the year is an exciting time!

We wish you a peaceful festive season and health, happiness and success for the New Year.

Goodbye 2021 – hello 2022!

Weihnachtszeit ist auch Zeit zum Innehalten und Danke sagen:

Vielen Dank für die angenehme Zusammenarbeit!
Vielen Dank für das entgegengebrachte Vertrauen!
Vielen Dank für Ihre Treue!

Wir freuen uns darauf, auch im nächsten Jahr wieder für Sie da zu sein und wünschen Ihnen und Ihrer Familie ein friedvolles Weihnachtsfest voll glücklicher Momente.

Kommen Sie gut ins neue Jahr – Gesundheit, Freude, Zufriedenheit und Glück sollen Sie begleiten.

No ideas for social media posts?

Below you will find three tips on how to find new topics for individual contributions:

A look behind the scenes
A greeting from the office, the lunch break or the company party – individual topics are popular in every industry. There is no need to arrange a photo shoot for this, a well-made picture with a smartphone is often absolutely sufficient. Whether introducing employees/trainees, a car wash day or practical examples from everyday working life: there are many opportunities to find and report on individual topics in your own company.

Current topics
Simply select a current topic from the industry or society and include it in your own post. Every company must regularly face new challenges, such as digitalization in its own operations, dealing with sustainability or further training on current regulations. Why not write an article about it?

Ask your own community
Sometimes it’s quite simple: communication always helps! Ask your community directly which content they prefer to read or follow on your channel and you will be surprised by the honest answers. This way you are sure to come up with exciting new topics that interest your readers and can be included in an article.

We hope to provide a few helpful suggestions by way of example. Would you like support or a personal exchange with us? Then simply give us a call: 069 79201640.

Advertising materials are an important part of a company’s external communication and have become an integral part of the marketing mix. But why actually?

We have found 7 interesting key figures in a DIMA market study that we would like to share with you: 98% of the core target group own promotional products! This means that promotional items can be found in almost every household. 90% of all recipients of promotional items use them themselves! Minimal wastage is an enormous advantage for your promotional items. 89% of the entire population have contact with promotional items! This means that you can achieve a greater reach with promotional products than with any other media. 78% of all promotional product recipients are happy to recommend the company to others! Good quality pays off and increases likeability, encourages recommendations and thus the willingness to buy. 70% of all advertising recipients remember the advertising company name! Advertising messages on the radio, TV or in magazines, on the other hand, only reach around 30% of recipients. 62% of the target group use advertising material for over a year! In this way, you can convey your advertising message continuously and long-term with every use. Do you want to take advantage of the benefits of promotional products, but are unsure which promotional items are right for you? We would be happy to advise you and provide you with a customized offer. Simply give us a call or send us a message.

Already thinking about Christmas? Absolutely!

Does Christmas always come so suddenly for you too? Then take advantage of the time now and plan your Christmas card for 2020 early. We will be happy to provide you with an individual offer including design, print production and subsequent dispatch. If you place an order with the keyword HP campaign by August 30, 2020, we will grant you a 10% discount on the entire order. Do you have any questions? Please give us a call: +49 69 792016-40