Keine Ideen für Social Media Beiträge?

No ideas for social media posts?

Below you will find three tips on how to find new topics for individual contributions:

A look behind the scenes
A greeting from the office, the lunch break or the company party – individual topics are popular in every industry. There is no need to arrange a photo shoot for this, a well-made picture with a smartphone is often absolutely sufficient. Whether introducing employees/trainees, a car wash day or practical examples from everyday working life: there are many opportunities to find and report on individual topics in your own company.

Current topics
Simply select a current topic from the industry or society and include it in your own post. Every company must regularly face new challenges, such as digitalization in its own operations, dealing with sustainability or further training on current regulations. Why not write an article about it?

Ask your own community
Sometimes it’s quite simple: communication always helps! Ask your community directly which content they prefer to read or follow on your channel and you will be surprised by the honest answers. This way you are sure to come up with exciting new topics that interest your readers and can be included in an article.

We hope to provide a few helpful suggestions by way of example. Would you like support or a personal exchange with us? Then simply give us a call: 069 79201640.